Dragons Rule!!!

My Business
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What I am doing is helping people order computers online...

Yes, I know that there are a lot of sites that allow you to order custom computers but they always have some sort of limitation on them and you must always use their version of items.  This business is a fully customizable computer business.  Everybody is different and not everybody knows what all of the terms mean and why there are so many differences in prices.  If you would like me to help you order a computer, please drop me an email at: draco355@lycos.com.  Usually I would like a price range and the money up front when the order is placed.

I can get what ever you want from where ever you want. For example, if you want a Dell case but want the insides from Acer, I can do that for you. Like I said, I can do fully customizable computers.

Pyro and I are looking at starting our own business out of one of our houses. This is being done to provide money for a local club at school. We are going to be working on other people's computer problems and are going to work on help around our school.

Thank you for taking the time to find out about my business and my hobbies.

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